New Full Body Trio pattern: Lopes!

Lopes, the second garment pattern in my Full Body Trio mini-collection (after Tionne), has been released!  (On ravelry here!)  If you follow me on social media at all, you saw plenty of peeks a couple months back when I was making the first sample – I was posting all kinds of close-ups on instagram, revealingContinue reading “New Full Body Trio pattern: Lopes!”

My first skirt of the season!

Well the weather is still pretty wintery here in Portland, but I’m excited about the bits of sunshine that happen occasionally in the spring, and I’ve recently been feeling the urge to sew up some new warm weather clothes!  Most years I tend to have big plans to make lots of new skirts and dresses, which don’tContinue reading “My first skirt of the season!”

My recycled fabric infinity dresses!

I made some dresses!  These are infinity dresses, using this tutorial, made with recycled sheets! So, awhile back I had a wedding to go to and I wanted to use it as an excuse to buy a new dress… but after a day of shopping I found nothing I liked, so then my plan changedContinue reading “My recycled fabric infinity dresses!”

2nd Make-a-Long and Skirt I made during the 1st one!

This Saturday, Sept 18th, will be the second official make-a-long, wooo yay!  The first make-a-long, in case you missed it, was April 10th, and I first wrote about the idea here, then posted about the various ways you can participate here.  Scroll to the bottom of this post (under the skirt photos) for a recapContinue reading “2nd Make-a-Long and Skirt I made during the 1st one!”

recycled tee skirt on craftstylish!

this week’s craftstylish tutorial was a special one to me – i designed this skirt a couple years ago for myself, and i loved the design concept (super easy, no pattern, custom fit, crazy comfy) but i loved it so much that i wanted to hold off doing a how-to… it’s silly, but i justContinue reading “recycled tee skirt on craftstylish!”

recycley skirt how-to part 3: simple sweatshirt skirts!

oookay this one has been on hold for awhile, so i’m happy to finally bring you the sweatshirt edition of my recycled skirts series! and to make up for the pause between projects, this one is actually 2 different designs! if you have a blank sweatshirt (or you don’t mind the image being upside down)Continue reading “recycley skirt how-to part 3: simple sweatshirt skirts!”

recycley skirt how-to part 2: vintage sheet double wraparound!

ok time for my next skirt tutorial! this concept came to me when i was thinking about wanting to make skirts with vintage bedsheets but how some of them can be pretty see-through… so i thought, double layered would be cool… and the double wraparound idea was born! this sheet is a little silly, butContinue reading “recycley skirt how-to part 2: vintage sheet double wraparound!”

recycley skirt how-to part 1: asymmetrical scrunchy t-skirt!

yay, it’s the first of my many-part series of how-to’s for skirts made from various recycled things! i’m going to try to do one per week, and there will be 4 or 5 or maybe even more different skirt projects, woo! i’m starting simple with this t-skirt – you just need one t-shirt and someContinue reading “recycley skirt how-to part 1: asymmetrical scrunchy t-skirt!”

skirt from recycled shirt sleeves!

i have been super crafty the last few days! i made this skirt this morning (i actually started it months ago and put it on hold until last night when i found it while cleaning up the studio) and then i started to finish a second skirt that had been set aside, and i gotContinue reading “skirt from recycled shirt sleeves!”