March Around the World movie challenge!

Throughout March I played along with this Letterboxd movie challenge called March Around the World, and I got really into it! If you followed my instagram stories you saw as I posted each one I watched… The challenge was to watch 30 movies from 30 different countries in March but I ended up getting upContinue reading “March Around the World movie challenge!”

My Favorite Movies of 2022… plus movies in 2020 and beyond

I initially wrote a massively long post about my love of movies over the last several years, with multiple favorites lists, and then I realized that was ridiculous and I needed to at least split it into two parts. So, my previous movies post became part one, which was kind of just about movies inContinue reading “My Favorite Movies of 2022… plus movies in 2020 and beyond”

Moviiiiies! My off-and-on life obsession, and my faves of the 2010s list

I’ve always loved movies, always always, but I’ve also kind of fluctuated with how big a part of my life movies are. My whole family was always big into movies… in fact, my brothers loved horror movies from an age way too young to actually watch them! They just loved the idea of horror moviesContinue reading “Moviiiiies! My off-and-on life obsession, and my faves of the 2010s list”

Stuff and things going on with me…

Hi!  Things have been busy busy, as usual, and I just wanted to kind of catch up with you over here on the blog.  If you follow me on instagram or twitter, you may have seen a lot of these updates – most of the photos in this post are straight from instagram… Here areContinue reading “Stuff and things going on with me…”

Happy 2012! Here’s what’s up in leethal land…

How’s your 2012 going so far?  Mine is off to a slooooow start, but I feel like it’s just about to start taking off!  I wanted to jump in here after my long delay with kind of a catch-up post, with some stuff I’ve been up to so far this year, and random bits andContinue reading “Happy 2012! Here’s what’s up in leethal land…”

bad movie bingo!! for sale now!

update 2/10/09: the official bad movie bingo website has just gone up!! ok if you follow me on twitter you’ve been hearing about this for a long time now, and i wanted to release it much earlier, but i’m happy to at least have it up by xmas (barely!) so you could play itContinue reading “bad movie bingo!! for sale now!”