Pacific Northwest travels and other stuff and things

It’s been a crazy couple of weeks!  I’ve taken several overnight trips for various purposes, to places as exciting as Seattle and as boring as Salem.  I went up north to Washington with my buddies Star, Vivian, and Marcia, for the purpose of going to Madrona fiber arts retreat in Tacoma, but I think hangingContinue reading “Pacific Northwest travels and other stuff and things”

Remixed pattern #7: Gentle on My Mind

Remixed is nearing completion – this is the second-to-last pattern in the collection!  A bonnet or hood style hat, for any gauge, custom fit to any head size: Gentle on My Mind is started sideways, the top section being worked to your head size (from the bottom of one ear, up over your head toContinue reading “Remixed pattern #7: Gentle on My Mind”

Remixed pattern #6: Freak Out!

It’s here!  A custom fit, any-gauge, basic balaclava… …which can fold up into a warm ribbed hat: And you may be able to fold it up different ways for different styles of hats: The other sample I made, my first prototype for figuring out the design specifics, had no negative ease, and I learned thatContinue reading “Remixed pattern #6: Freak Out!”

Pattern sale for all of February!!

I’m turning thirty this month, you guys!  To, um, celebrate (?), I’m having a sale on all my knitting patterns for the whole month! Buy any 3 or more of my patterns at the same time, through my website (including quick knits ebooks) or through ravelry, and enter the coupon code “thirty” in the cart to get 30% offContinue reading “Pattern sale for all of February!!”